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Dear Members,

The Lucky Draw Tournament will be held at Jerry's Billiards this Sunday, August 29 @ 12 noon for registration.  This is a scotch doubles event and the teams are chosen by random draw.   This is open to league and non league members.  Please come out and see who you get paired up with.  

Can you believe it is week 6 already?  Our leading team is Rack'em Up #1 with Ran as captain; close behind is Stroke of Genius and Rack'em Up #2.  But the teams are very tight.  We are glad you are all having a great season.  

Summer 2021 Lucky Draw

Dear LAPL Members,

We hope you are healthy and being safe during this difficult time of Covid-19 in our country and in our community.   As you know, the board met and decided to suspend play for the week of 3/17 through 3/31.   At this point in time and given the state and local mandates to Stay at Home till at least the end of April (likely to be extended), the LAPL is suspending play for an indefinite period of time.   The board will wait until clearance is provided to the general community so we can develop our guidance for our league.  

LA WCC 2020:  The board made the decision to cancel the contract for the WCC that we were scheduled to host on June 19-21.  We are not sure now whether or not this will be rescheduled for later in the summer or canceled altogether.  We made this decision in consultation with the three other cities.  

LAPL Help Fund:  The board has made a decision to offer Small Help grants to our members who may be experiencing financial hardship.  If you yourself are or you know of a league member that is experiencing financial hardship and in need of a small financial grant, please email the BOG at this email address.   We will accept requests up to $100.  Special circumstances will be considered for amounts above this.  We have approximately $1,200 in our Help Fund.  (If there are league members who can contribute to this fund, additional monies will be made available and this would be greatly appreciated).  

Protect Yourself:  The best ways to protect yourself are:  Stay Home.  Practice Social Distancing, at least six feet away from others or more.  Avoid shaking hands.  Practice social distancing when you have to be outside.  Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 to 30 seconds with soap and warm water.  Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose with unwashed hands because the virus is transmitted through droplets which can be on one's unwashed hands and enter your body through those areas; carry and use hand sanitizers regularly that have at lease 60% alcohol contents; cover your cough and cough into your elbow if you have to cough to avoid spreading any type of flu or cold viruses to others; if someone is coughing, stay at least six feet or more from that individual and ask that they use tissues to cough into.  If you are coughing use a tissue to cough in and place those used tissues into the trash.  If you are sick - stay home and recover.  (Note:  If you find yourself sick, with fevers, coughing or difficulty breathing - call your physician right away or go to urgent care or to emergency services.)    

Take care of yourselves and we will see you soon. 

Al Ballesteros
President LAPL

Dear LAPL members,

The Board of Governors met yesterday for an emergency meeting and decided that due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the LA Pool League will be canceling the next two league nights of play; possibly three nights depending on how the situation emerges with respect of the spread of the Covid-19 virus.  

No Play the Week of March 16 and March 23 for sure:   We will have no league play for the week of March 16 & 23.  We will re-assess for the week of March 30 and let you know when we are able to make a decision.   

All Fundraisers Scheduled for the next three weeks are canceled as well.  

Covid-19:  We are making this decision following public health guidance from the State and local officials as well as out of an abundance of caution for the health of our members and supporters in light of the spread of Covid-19.   We care about our members and we advise our members to take actions which protect themselves against the spread of this virus.  These are some of things being recommended:

*  Limit your exposure to crowds and public places where one could come in contact with those who may have the virus.  
*  Practice good hygiene and wash your hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water.  
*  Do not touch your face (mouth, nose, eyes and possibly ears) with unwashed hands.  Carry hand sanitizers and sanitize your hands when you touch surfaces which may not be sanitized or clean.
*  Stay away from people that are sick.  Stay away from people that are coughing.  If you cough, cough into your sleeve or elbow.  Tell people around you that are coughing to use tissue or cough into their sleeve.  
*  Get rest, eat well and hydrate yourself as you would do all the time for good health.
*  If you feel you are sick, become sick and have fever or cough, contact your physician or go to your urgent care or emergency room.  

* Most of all, try to stay calm and support one another through this period of time.  

I've pasted a link below for information in Los Angeles County should you need it.

Please pass this information on to people who you know that are not in the league.  

See you all soon.  

Al Ballesteros, President

Dear Members,

After more nearly 18 months, we are back playing again...!

It's great to see many of our former players. Also, a big warm welcome to all the new players, and we have many. We have 12 teams this season which is not bad considering the league has lost several venues to the pandemic and after effects.

Important notice: The Green Room is not going to work out as a playing venue. Both Rack'em Up teams - captains Ran Refael and Mathew Bradbury will need to move to Jerry's Billiards as the home venue starting this next week #2. There may be a couple of names mis-spelled on the scoresheet - please check this information and let us know. On some of the team rosters, we only got the first names and on others, we could not read your beautiful hand-writing. Our apologies. Please correct information by PRINTING clearly each name. Also, please please write every team member's email address CLEARLY on the scoresheet next week.

To recap this season's members meeting: This season is free to all LAPL players. We are accepting a $40 donation per team for those incline to make this contribution that can. The members voted to keep the LAPL BCA sanctioned, which means that all players will need to pay their BCA dues of $15 for this year. We will need to ensure all are paid by the end of week four. We will be in touch with the captains on the collections of these BCA dues. The members voted to play its first tournament in honor of Allan Montalbano, past president and long-time league member who passed away recently. Funds raised will be sent to his mother.

We have a seat open on the Board of Governors for playoff chair given Malisa Mapu has moved to Washington state. We want to thank Malisa and her wife Kerri for all their years with the LAPL. It's hard to see friends like Malisa and Kerri move away but they are for sure LAPL family now and forever and I'm sure we will see them soon. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please let me know.

We will have a Board zoom meeting this coming Monday, July 26 at 7:30 p.m. We will post the zoom meeting invite on the LAPL Facebook page or will send it in an email to the league by Sunday.

Thank you,

Al Ballesteros

On the subject of us

The Los Angeles Pool League is a voluntary organization of individuals committed to organize and...More

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