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Greased Lightning S20 Winners

On Sunday the Johnny Cochran Memorial Greased Lightning tournament fundraiser was held at Eagle LA. A very special thank you to Charlie for not only letting us use both tables for the majority of the tournament but for also donating the 1st - 3rd extra bonus prizes of $100 worth of drink tickets. Also, looking mighty fine was Marcus who always has a smile for you and works his ass off for our drinking pleasure.

With 17 people registering to play we had a full bracket competing on a 15 second shot clock.    

A special thank you to Dan Campbell, Ken Franck and Rommel Salas for coming up from Long Beach to support our League.

The final 3 players racing around the lower table were:
3rd Place Monty Kimball
2nd Place Roberto Valenzuela

and our 'King of the Hill' and undefeated first Place champion Al Ballesteros


The 50-50 raffle of $45 was a battle between Dan Campbell who had 3 tickets, and Tod Davenport who had 2 tickets, in the final drawing. Rather than splitting the pot, the elliminations began leaving Dan $45 richer.  Also included in the 50-50 Raffle drawing were some pool accessories donated by Charley McFeeley who has hung up her pool stick and is enjoying her Tuesday nights and weekends free. We miss you Charley!!!!!
